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Master Phil Industries Serial and parallel processing in humans operate much in the same fashion as an electrical circuit for lights. If the light fixtures are linked in series and one fails, the complete back of lights go out. However, if the lights are connected via a parallel circuit, only the faulty unit will go down. Fitness Rehabilitation, Fitness, Safety and Security, Therapists, Sports Psychologist, Fitness, Therapists cell phones, fitness, safety, reaction, health, psychology The act of performing two or more tasks that are serial in nature, such as playing the violin and dialing a phone, would have a severe effect upon performance (Fisher & Plessow, 2015). Contrast this with the many “mindless” tasks that we perform throughout the day without applying much thought to their operation as we put on a shirt, ties our shoes or flush a toilet. Our minds may be occupied with thoughts of our day as we conduct these tasks. Serial and parallel processing do act in a mutually exclusive manner, there are instances when they are operating concurrently. Additionally, parallel processing may actually morph into serial processing (Schmidt & Lee, 2011). 26/11/2023 04:21 PM
Master Phil Industries The Change through Fun video depicted seemed to illicit a behavior changes and prompted people to take the “Piano Stairs” as opposed to using the escalators. This initiative was an effort to increase people’s NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) levels, thus increasing caloric expenditure. Many people resist proven fitness programs because the programs may be considered too difficult and have a “dread factor." Fitness, Wellness Boxing Club, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Dance Studio, Karate, Kettlebell, Kettlebell Training, Strength, Zumba fun, fitness, dread factor, gym, classes, training, enjoyment, hard work, master phil, phil ross, professor ross, kettlebell, karate, HIIT  Fun is not a necessary component for change, but the element of fun does make change easier. People seek change for many reasons; avoiding of a life-threatening condition, elevated sports performance, increase in pay or academic achievement. Unless people realize the need for change, change will not occur (Anshell, 2014). So, fun is not necessary for change but it can ease the burden and make adherence to a protocol more palatable.  26/11/2023 04:28 PM
Master Phil Industries “Asthma: A chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways that affects genetically susceptible individuals in response to various environmental triggers such as allergens, viral infection, exercise, cold, and stress.” (Bryant, 2012) Fitness, Medical Doctor, Wellness Fitness, Childrens Fitness, Karate, Kettlebell, Martial Arts, Fitness, Health, Pulmonary, Children's Health, Breath Work asthma, EIA, exercise induced asthma, master phil, phil ross, professor ross, kettlebells, fitness, breathing, lungs, martial arts, yoga, When intense exercise of 80% maximal workload or greater is introduced, along with the additional contributing factors, the condition is referred to as Exercise Induced Asthma or EIA. The other contributing factors are loss of water (dehydration), increased heat or cold dry air, mucous production, exposure to allergens, viral infections, air quality and high levels of humidity. (Green, 2014) During the attack, the accumulation of mucus coupled with the narrowing of the smooth muscles surrounding the airway (bronchospasm) restrict the amount of available airflow and cause the body to work harder to supply oxygen to the system (Powers & Howley 2015, pg. 221).  26/11/2023 05:37 PM
Master Phil Industries There are many influences on our state of health. Many of them are inherited from our parents and part of our genetic makeup, thus leaving us little chance of doing much more than managing our conditions. One can only “play the cards that they are dealt”, so to speak. However, with education and action, most health situation can be improved. Fitness, Wellness Kettlebell, Sports Psychologist, Women, Mens Health, Women's Health weight loss, gender, gender differences, man, women, fitness, weight control, master phil, professor ross, phil ross, kettlebells,  There is a certain noted difference between the sexes concerning health and wellness. Some of these elements may be considered contradictory to a degree when the social aspects are revealed in regard to how the genders both treat and are treated in the matter of support by family. Men seem to elicit a greater degree of empathy and concern from the family when an illness or condition arises and look to remedy the situation. Women appear to receive less family support and tend accept the condition as opposed to working to elicit change (Vlassoff, 2007).  26/11/2023 05:45 PM
Master Phil Industries This system is designed to both aid in the prevention of injury and strengthen a back recovering from and injury. The movements have been used and approved several of my clients who are noted orthopedic, spinal and neural surgeons. Fitness, Wellness Fitness, Wellness, Strength, Fitness, Wellness, Back Surgery, Chronic Pain back pain, back health, master phil, phil ross, professor ross, fitness, strength, kettlebells, back strength

Get Off You Back! I know that I may sound a little “rough” and “tough love” like, but yes, most back pain can be worked through. I have been Martial Arts and Fitness Instructor, as well as a High School Wrestling Coach for over 40 years. I was a reasonably successful competitor for well over 30 years as well – having placed and won in National Competitions in Wrestling, Free Fighting (Martial Arts), Submission Fighting and Taekwondo (Olympic Style).


26/11/2023 05:52 PM
Master Phil Industries How do we as humans move? How do we avoid or minimize pain? Have you ever noticed that there are three major areas of pain in people and have you pondered as to why these areas are so afflicted, even on people that are “in shape”? Fitness, Wellness Spinal Stressology, Fitness, Strength, Virtual Fitness, Fitness, Back Surgery back health, thoracic, fitness, master phil, phil ross, professor ross, strength, kettlebell, back strength Two words need to be considered, Stability and Mobility. Certain joints of the body prefer stability and other favor mobility. Here’s a rundown from the ground up of the joints. The joints that favor stability are the foot, knee, low back and scapular region. Those that flourish in mobility are the ankle, hip, thoracic spine (middle back) and glenohumeral joint (shoulder). The joints need to do what they are designed to do, if not asymmetries and injuries occur.  26/11/2023 06:00 PM
Master Phil Industries Health, fitness, physical activity and exercise cannot and should not be separated in my estimation. The relationship between exercise physiology on the aforementioned is one of mutual effect. What happens to the body’s seven systems; cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, skeletal, nervous, muscular and endocrine (Bryant and Green, 2012) Fitness, Wellness Fitness, Kettlebell, Martial Arts, Pilates, Yoga, Fitness, Back Surgery, Movement Therapy, Yoga movement, fitness, back health, master phil, phil ross, professor ross, movement patterns, There are many aspects to consider when it comes to health, physiology and exercise. Exercise physiology is an overwhelmingly indispensable component in relation to overall health with vast amounts tentacles reaching many areas of life. In America today, we have an obesity epidemic, with 37.5% (World Health Organization, 2011) of the population being termed obese and over 65Þemed as overweight (Robert Wood Johnson, 2016). From 1991 to the year 2000, the obesity rate rose from 20 percent to 25 percent. 2006 witnessed only Mississippi and West Virginia with rates above 31 percent.  26/11/2023 06:04 PM
Master Phil Industries Human movement enables us to survive and thrive. Whether movement
was developed due to our ability to think and reason or if our ability to think and
reason created our movement is still up to debate
Fitness Fitness, Sports Instruction, Running Track, Sports Specific, Fitness, Movement Therapy movement, fitness, kettlebell, sports, sports evaluation, training, master phil, professor ross, phil ross
How do we measure this movement and why is it important? The
importance of human movement measurement can be found in teaching,
performing and learning tasks. There is an important cognitive learning curve to
skill based movements
26/11/2023 06:11 PM
Master Phil Industries There are wide arrays of health concerns facing our ever changing and continually aging population. The recent trends over the past three to four decades have witnessed us experiencing increased obesity rates, an aging population and only approximately 1/5th of Americans meeting the recommended daily exercise requirements (Green, 2015). Fitness, Wellness Bodyweight, Kettlebell, Kettlebell Training, Weight Loss, Obesity, Movement Therapy, Weight Loss obesity, overweight, fitness, activity, sedentary, lifestyle, phil ross, master phil, professor ross, Americans, lazy, Is a sedentary lifestyle the new smoking? The most recent data certainly validates the relevancy of this question. According to the most recent studies, a sedentary lifestyle is one of the leading factors contributing to Coronary Heart Disease, CHD. As with smokers, physically inactive people are twice as likely to develop CHD (Powers, Howley, 2015, pg. 316). Smoking, inactivity and poor nutrition are the leading causes of CHD as far as the behavioral contributing risk factors are concerned. This should come as no surprise. 26/11/2023 06:18 PM
Master Phil Industries There are many purported methods of achieving the ultimate level of fitness. Some are better than others, but is there one tool, one method, one philosophy that shines above them all? There are five aspects to fitness: Muscular Fitness (strength, explosive power and muscular endurance), Neuromuscular Fitness, Cardiovascular Fitness, Flexibility/Mobility and Body Composition. To achieve the optimal level of fitness, all of these areas must be addressed. Fitness Fitness, Bodyweight, Calisthenics, Kettlebell, Kettlebell Training, Fitness master phil, professor ross, phil ross, fitness, kettlebells, power, strength, fitness, sport specific, explosive power, muscular endurance, cardiovascular conditioning, cardio, bodyweight, crossfit, RKC, bodybell, bodybell method, There are an incredible amount of strength and conditioning systems available; kinetically based, explosive power, P90X, Orange Theory, Powerlifting, Olympic lifting, Bodybuilding, Cross Fit, youth boot camp programs, speed initiatives, sport specific, and age specific, I could go on and on 26/11/2023 06:35 PM
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